
The Fairies of Octo Bay

I’ve been working really hard for the last eight months or so! What started as an innocent enough series of fairies has turned into a book project that I can’t wait to share! I’ve been busy at my art table, developing a story and making artworks, to the point that I have barely sewn during the last so many months.

The book is coming along great! I’m over half way done and am now mostly working on Part 3 of the book. It’s funny because I have wanted to be an author for years. I never would have guessed that my first book would be a children’s book, or that it would bring together my passion for the environment and fairies…two things I absolutely adore! Sometimes nature holds the most magical feeling, and you can almost sense fairies around every turn. I’m bringing that spirit to my book!

I’m not sure what the future holds for my website, so if there is content you have been waiting to dive in to you might want to set aside a few minutes soon to peruse the blog. It might remain as is, or might have some changes to come. I’ve wanted to switch gears and become an author for years and it feels like my window of opportunity has arrived! Because when you have passion for a dream and combine it with hard work, the sky is the limit!

Kathryn Sturges